Sibil’s Biography


Something you may not know about me is that I used to wake so often with doubts and fears after going through the hardest time in my life 7 years ago. My days were filled with this nagging feeling like something was wrong. That there was more I can do in my life, but I didn’t know what.

And then I met a life coach who, over the course of 3 months, took me through an eye-opening process that changed my life.

What I Now Know to Be True Is:

That I can heal myself.

That it's okay to reinvent yourself at any age.

That it's okay to not love your life even if you think you should.

That it's okay to get help.

That change takes courage, but you don't have to do it alone.

I feel we all transition at one time or another. Some are big life changes, and others are major life events that demand change from us. While some transitions continually nag at our sub-conscience for change. Life transitions are inevitable.

However we need the right support and the right accountability. And having been through several major changes in my life I understand now what it takes to make those changes. And I feel I have an innate ability to help others from my own experience. So I decided to better myself to have the tools and skills to help someone else.

I’m so grateful for the journey I’ve been on and the lessons I’ve learned. The best part is I’m now in a position to help others experience the same transformation. That’s why I do the work that I do. I have dedicated myself to helping 25 people take their life back and achieve Total Transformation in becoming the Best Version of Themselves. If you or anyone you know is stuck in a rut – feeling like life is supposed to be more beautiful somehow but not sure where to start, I’m here to help. I’m giving away 25 free consultations (regularly $100).

With Love,

Sibil Mae Greiner